Clock setting option disappeared from composition media


Hi all- this might be an odd one. I’ve just spotted that the time on the clock of what I think is a composition media head unit in my T6 has reset to midnight and looks to do so on each journey. More odd is that the set time/date option in the settings menu is on longer there.

It could be related that I coded out the bulb warning lamp on the instrument cluster a few weeks back using VCDS as they keep triggering with LED DRLs I have had fitted for some time.

Can anyone shed any light on the issue? It’s a 2016 shuttle 150 if that helps with any coding suggestions.

It appears a very recent but common problem on VAG group vehicles. Looks like 2015 models onwards. A quick search on previous posts on this forum and internet will show you what you need to know. Doesn’t appear to a be a resolution other than total replacement unless anyone knows otherwise
Now found thanks. No solutions I can find. I tried the VCDS tweak to byte x22 and can’t find a more recent firmware update for the head unit so I guess I’ll have to put up with it unless others have potential solutions? Thanks very much @Bitterandtwisted for your quick replies.