@mmi all info very helpful. I have been busy reading through.
With regards the injector leak off test, this wasn't offered by the garage he just wanted to stick a set of four in and see if it made a difference. No Fault finding or diagnostics involved. I think he's just too busy to try and work out what the problem is. I think I need to find someone else or resort to trying to fix it myself.
One interesting thing I noticed over the last few days is, the longer you leave it between starts the worse it gets. So start stop during the day, starts again no problem and runs fine. Leave it for 5 hours it's a little bit rough and clears up fairly quickly. Leave it overnight and it's quite bad and takes a while to clear. Leave it for two days and runs really rough like the video. I've also noticed it smells very strong of fumes around the vehicle.
So I was thinking what if one of the injectors was leaking fuel into the cylinder when it's off. Could this cause the engine to run that rough? If so what would be the best way to test my theory?
GSF do a crankshaft sensor for £25 quid so I could just stick one in to rule that out.
One thing I forgot to say to help everyone else with diagnosing coolant loss, to rule out head gasket check if the coolant tank is pressurised when cold along with a combustion test.
Thanks all