Crafter Pop top roof

Dave F

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T6 Guru
just starting to cost up converting my MWB crafter.
As it’s a MWB I think I would like to put a pop top roof on it for sleeping I had a price for a proper crafter pop top at 9k can you fit a t6 pop top to a crafter?.
I was wondering if anyone had a list of thins I need to buy to convert it just to save me time trawling the net .
My wife does won’t a wc/ shower pod fitted as well so that’s going to take up a bit if room.
No wc room? Thought that would have been one of the biggest benefits of a larger van?
"does won’t" I think is "Does Want" ;-)

Have you looked to see how much the Atek pop tops are?
"does won’t" I think is "Does Want" ;-)

Have you looked to see how much the Atek pop tops are?
Hi, I found that one yesterday and it looks nice and fits well but it is £9k.
Skyline do one but it’s on straps which I don’t really like but it’s 4k


Was looking at this before we decided to get a Grand California, says it has an Austop pop top fitted, though Austop don’t have a Crafter specific pop top??
There was a conversion a while back in VWT magazine that used a normal skyline roof but had a mounting frame made by Rusty Lee. Looking at the one @bullracing posted a shortcut to it uses a bespoke mounting frame as well. I think part of the problem is that although you can use a t5/t6 roof itself the crafter roof is obviously wider than either of the other/s and there is virtually no support where the standard frame sits so could lead to the roof compressing over a period I& time without a bespoke support frame in addition to the frame it usually comes with. If your on Fb there is a crafter/man group that may give some alternative answers as a few on there have done it.
Thank you for your reply’s.
I had a good look at them and skyline do a roof especially for the crafter at 5k ish sprayed but after talking to the gentleman about the proper crafter roof that when fitted looks like a factory fit but 9k what has mad me decide to go for that one is that it is designed to take a standard small double mattress so we can put a nice memory foam one in so it will be like home from home .
We are hopeful going to start taking longer trips through Europe as the last child will be 16 next year and a good nights sleep is worth the extra money also looks nice.

Not to rain on any parode or put anyone down but seriously what your saying is you are happy to buy a nice van but dont want to cough up £9k to potentially not only add value but add usabilty.
You wouldnt buy a Porsche and put part worn or the cheapest tyres on so why skimp on the pop top. It is going to add a whole new room/births to the van. I went cheap when I done my T6 (went for a westdubs instead of skyline etc). Never again.
Skyline are good for a t6 but its not a t6. I wish the pop tops were available when I started my build, I would of totally done it different.
100% going with the 9k roof it looks so much better and having a proper mattress will be fantastic.
I’ve moved onto looking at jobs as I would like to not have gas in the van so thinking the diesel hob and the diesel and electric combi water and heating unit.
Definitely putting solar on the van with a couple of batteries so I’m not dependent on hook up at all .
I can’t start this until January/February as I’m using the van at the minute but just won’t to get everything sorted .
Not to rain on any parode or put anyone down but seriously what your saying is you are happy to buy a nice van but dont want to cough up £9k to potentially not only add value but add usabilty.
You wouldnt buy a Porsche and put part worn or the cheapest tyres on so why skimp on the pop top. It is going to add a whole new room/births to the van. I went cheap when I done my T6 (went for a westdubs instead of skyline etc). Never again.
Skyline are good for a t6 but its not a t6. I wish the pop tops were available when I started my build, I would of totally done it different.
I took their previous post to mean that the OP had decided to go with the £9k roof.
ah, I had loads to catch up on and think I mis understood something somewhere down the line. Good choice
@bullracing. The main reason why I wouldn’t buy part worn or crappy tyres for a Porsche is that it would probably cause me to crash at some point - that’s the same reason why I wouldn’t want them on my van. What do you think is wrong with the Westdubs roof?

Was looking at this before we decided to get a Grand California, says it has an Austop pop top fitted, though Austop don’t have a Crafter specific pop top??
That looks good for the money IMO, nice conversion
@bullracing. The main reason why I wouldn’t buy part worn or crappy tyres for a Porsche is that it would probably cause me to crash at some point - that’s the same reason why I wouldn’t want them on my van. What do you think is wrong with the Westdubs roof?
Your not using commonsense but taking all what I have said out of context!!
@bullracing. In that case, please help me to understand your analogy and explain what's wrong with Westdubs. AFAIK, a Westdubs roof would be as good at doing the job as any if you want to 'add a whole new room/berths to the van' (indeed maybe even better than some as they might not come open so easily on the road).
@bullracing. In that case, please help me to understand your analogy and explain what's wrong with Westdubs. AFAIK, a Westdubs roof would be as good at doing the job as any if you want to 'add a whole new room/berths to the van' (indeed maybe even better than some as they might not come open so easily on the road).
Maybe read my nightmares that I had with westdubs. I should have spent the money on a skyline or reimo. Hows your crafter build going?
@bullracing. It's a shame that you seem to have had issues with Westdubs and whilst I don't know the detail, if that's the case I can understand why you might not like them. I've got to say that mine has always been excellent and the only times that I've had to deal with the company themselves over issues that were very much of my own making they were excellent. What crafter build?
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