Hi, for overland travel as you will know the vehicle will ideally need to be prepared to handle what you might come up against. Ideally the T6 or T6.1 what ever model you decide upon will have
4Motion and
Rear Diff Lock. Will also have a
Suspension Lift,
Snorkel and
Gear box and Axle Vents . The further East that you go through the Former Soviet Union the fuel quality can get a bit ropey. It is not unusual for water to be mixed with the fuel which can be very poor. It is therefore best policy to have commercial
fuel separators and fuel filters fitted. 2
Spare Wheels would be a good idea and obviously
Wheel Carriers and
very large large tyre repair kit including Tyre Irons/levers. A selection of tools including A diagnostic analyser. Buy a vehicle with the larger 80L tank buy Geri cans or similar, there are veriations of different sizes and usefulness. Some form of syphon or pump. A few recommended spars
You may or may not know it is possible to buy a
Walas Diesel Cooker instead of using gas. That could plum into the vehicle fuel system. This is cheap to run and will also provide blown air heating. It uses minimal fuel and electric amps. It may be an idea to have a simple multifuel stove as a stand by or when you wish to cook away from the vehicle on a hike for instance.
Primus or Optimus. I have an Optimus Multi Fuel Stove that will burn with out adjustment, Diesel, Aviation Fuel, Paraffin or Petrol. It is very economic an takes up little space and can be broken down for packing. A
Trangia may be another option or addition. Buy a quality Water Filter,
MSR Gaudian Purifier. Will filter anything even down to Virus. These will allow drinking water from filthy puddles or contaminated water supplies. Anti mosquito nets and gear including head gear to prevent bits from mosquito and midge
Seikel Do TUV approved kit including suspension lifts. Very well respected. Loz a Moderator on here has Seikel suspension but the also do aluminium under trays which would help in restricting damage on unmade roads
Terranger also do similar things but also carry other equipment
VB Air also TUV and VW approval That is air adjustable suspension and auto levelling. Auto levelling is brilliant because it can level out uneven camping places
CRS on this forum may offer advice and an alternative
Spezialisiert auf die Umrüstung von VW T5 / T6 / T6.1 und Mercedes Vito, Viano und V-Klasse für den Einsatz abseits der Strasse. Wir bieten die Umrüstung auf größere Offroad-Bereifung, den Einbau einer Fahrzeug-Höherlegung oder eines Luftfahrwerks, die Erhöhung der Wattiefe, den Einbau eines...
That will do you for now.
Oh the Germans are great Overlanders look at some of there Forum.