Custom Electronics / Buttons / PCB Board


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Solo vanner in a (guided) self built van and first time forum poster here !

I'm looking for help / information on how to wire up a button to my inverter. The button pictured below connects to my inverter (also kings brand) via rj11 plug. My inverter is not in the most accessible spot and I keep forgetting to turn it off !

But - this face plate is gross - the blue doesn't match and the panel is way oversized for the area I wanted the button to be (a white vj panel wall)

So i've taken it apart and can see there is a simple psb board with a button and led - simples. I want to know if it's possible to purchase an extra face plate bit thats just blank black/white? I had done SO much googling and can't find anything useful

Or if someone can direct me to instructions on how to wire an rj11 plug to a 12v switch (that i already have lots of)

or if there are any other solutions that can be thought of... any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

Welcome to the forum :thumbsup:

So the issue here isn't just "wiring a switch to an RJ11" there are 6 wires in that cable and more than one device on the board.

So the question becomes are they just relatively "dumb" devices and those 6 wires are just extensions of the circuit inside the inverter (so a pair for the led, a pair for the buzzer and a pair for the switch), or is there a chip somewhere running that board and the 6 wires are carrying power and data.

That's something only really you can work out because it's going to take a close inspection of the board. If you can follow the traces on the board and work up a circuit diagram then it would be much easier to advise.

An alternative if you are reasonably handy with soldering (or know someone who is) is to desolder the tactile switch. That's 99% certainly a momentary switch so you could get a panel mount equivalent in a smaller box and wire that back to the PCB and mount the PCB in a box behind the panel. If the LED is important you can get those switches with an LED in too, but you'd need to do a little more investigation to find out what voltage the LEDs are being supplied with on the board by careful use of a multimeter while the power is on. Once you know that you could desolder the LED from the board and wire the one in the switch, making sure you know the polarity.

Final thought if it's mostly the colour that's an issue some sticky back vinyl from a craft store and some careful templating and scalpel you should be able to cut a new front out to go over the existing one?