Dongle for Apple Iphone


Senior Member
T6 Pro
Sure this has been asked before

When you plug in Iphone to USB it links to the head unit. Is there a "go to" blue tooth/wifi receiver that can be left permanently plugged in so giving phone stream? I believe you have to use glove box USB as others are charging only ... is this correct?

also currently when using Waze, not plugged in, I have no audio. Is this down to the phone blue tooth connection with van taking priority? similarly I don't want to lose the hands free functionality

any advice appreciated
so got a Motorola MA1 but cannot connect to my Iphone 13 and the van.

If I plug my phone in to usb with hard wire Car Play works I think or is this not Car Play and just the iphone mirrored on screen?

If I plug in the Motorola blue tooth device van does not see anything and nothing comes up with Iphone blue tooth pairing? I can see Android Auto is greyed out on head unit welcome screen as is car play symbol?

am I missing something?

2019 T6
so got a Motorola MA1 but cannot connect to my Iphone 13 and the van.

If I plug my phone in to usb with hard wire Car Play works I think or is this not Car Play and just the iphone mirrored on screen?

If I plug in the Motorola blue tooth device van does not see anything and nothing comes up with Iphone blue tooth pairing? I can see Android Auto is greyed out on head unit welcome screen as is car play symbol?

am I missing something?

2019 T6
I am pretty sure the Android Auto will need activating.
found a few bits from search

am I correct in thinking that if, when I plug my phone in via lead to usb, I can see my apps etc on the screen then I have the app connect activated

if so does this mean that the issue is with the Motorola running Android Auto and that this may not be activated on the head unit?

therefor I need a blue tooth dongle suitable for Iphone and apple car play?