DPF deleted, how to remove filter?

How often does it regen?

I ran too long with a clogged dpf resulting in turbo failure...
Hi all
I know it’s been a while since I last posted. Update on dpf situation, I am currently still running the van with the engine management light on. The van still regens itself and is running fine, so for time being not goi g to fork out £2500 on a new dpf. I have a charista and check it regularly, still get same code P226d bank one missing substrate. My thoughts are that as long as it is regenerating itself then leave it as is. Anyone else experienced this? Thanks Andy.
If you carry on running with a clogging DPF it will end up costing much more than the initial DPF replacement.
There is plenty of info’ on the Forum regarding the reasons DPFs do not re-gen successfully and what happens if you run the engine with excessive exhaust back pressure. You could end up with a 5 figure bill worst case.
If it has a missing substrate, whatever that means, is it worth getting it back flushed? As I’ve been told that the dpf needs to be replaced.
If it has a missing substrate, whatever that means, is it worth getting it back flushed? As I’ve been told that the dpf needs to be replaced.
If it has missing substrate possibly there’s a hole, back flushing will just go the path of least resistance.
Different opinions but I believe that back flushing the DPF is a very bad idea, the DPF also contains the SCAT which may be affected by the chemicals.
IMO the only fix is a replacement DPF BUT you need to rectify the cause(s) of the clogging before installing or the new one will end up trashed as well. Don’t buy a used spare as somebody else did recently.

Excessive oil consumption, excessive fuelling / poor combustion, short journeys without a completed re-gen are some of the causes of failure.
If it has a missing substrate, whatever that means, is it worth getting it back flushed? As I’ve been told that the dpf needs to be replaced.
Maybe find somebody near you with a proper scan tool. Sorry but Carista was a bad suggestion in my opinion. VCDS from RossTech or VagComPro are two main one. VCDS has a very good support forum too. You might need a proper regeneration, but first need to check the soot value. Maybe checking each sensor

I think you can search VCDS user in the forum too

You DPF clogged up simply because you running the van with a half DPF delete.

You could have just fit a custom down pipe and put DPF back for MOT, but I never failed with a straight through system
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