Dub Dogs, let’s see them :)

Ours is secured with one of those short lead seat belt things. Sits up front with the wife on the double seat. He’s a nosey sod so stares out the windscreen all the time. When pitched up he gets in the first available dig sized space.
Does that clip into the seat belt buckle? Ours will most likely go on the r&r bed next to our daughter so a clip in lead/harness would be ideal!
Cheers guys! I'm currently perusing amazon for harnesses and leads. Will check out the ones you mentioned!
Lovely pooch! Here's the little girl we're picking up:
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That’s brightened up my crappy day. What a gorgeous dog. They have so much character.
I look after my neighbour’s daschund and use one of the seatbelt attachments that goes to the harness.
Remember to keep it short. It’s no good if your dog can hit the dashboard or door or roof at high speed in a collision.
He is 3/4 bedlington and 1/4 staffy . Can you believe that !! We did the DNA test as we were curious !!
He is 3/4 bedlington and 1/4 staffy . Can you believe that !! We did the DNA test as we were curious !!
I could see the Belington but I'd never have guessed stuffy. A very interesting mix and cute to, bet he doesn't moult either
He looks a cutie and a bit of a babe magnet but he,s not a young dog he,s about 11yrs old , a rescue dog with issues ( hates other dogs ) !! .regularly at the vets !!!! But he doesn't moult !!
But we love him t bits
We've got a 12 year old Kerry Blue which we've had from a pup whose not a fan of most other dogs either. Terriers unfortunately but I wouldn't change her.
In my best Craig Revell what's his face voice.