Eibach Adjustable Sport Comfort Lowering Springs T6.1


VIP Member
Hi All,

I am new here and new to the VW scene. I have recently purchased some Eibach adjustable sport comfort lowering springs for my T32 (Kit 2), but they did not come with instructions. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions or can anyone confirm if the adjustable collars on the rear springs go at the top of the spring or the bottom?

Thanks all


The adjustable collars always go on top, push them up onto the bump stop tube first with the rubber washer between the chassis and the collar, then place the spring on the arm and marry up to the collar. If the rings are nearest the chassis the van will sit lower. Its always best to fit both rear springs with both sides of the van jacked up and unbolt the arm from the bottom of the the shocks on both sides. This will let the whole arm swing down and give plenty of room to get springs in and out. If you only do one side at a time you will battle against the anti roll bar to get the arm to drop enough to get the springs out.
Did it yesterday on our T6 and did more or less exactly what you have said! With a great bit of advice from @CRS Performance as I wasn’t sure if the old rubber top mounts had to be used in some way all done and dusted in about 40 mins nice easy job for a change! Thanks lads!!
Did it yesterday on our T6 and did more or less exactly what you have said! With a great bit of advice from @CRS Performance as I wasn’t sure if the old rubber top mounts had to be used in some way all done and dusted in about 40 mins nice easy job for a change! Thanks lads!!
Looking at getting these for mine but cant seem to find any when fitted, have you got any before and after pictures?