Engine wiring harness connection points and earthing points help please


VIP Member
Hope you’re all well
I’m desperately hunting a wiring fault that I’m documenting on another thread

But I’m stuck trying to find the following so was hoping a kind soul on here with a bigger brain than me (not difficult!) could shine a light please


Earthing point 487 & 486. The wiring diagram states they are in ‘engine pre wiring harness’ which isn’t very clear to me

D121 connection 19 engine compartment wiring harness.

D39 connection 1 engine compartment wiring harness.

I have searched the download section and the web but come up against a wall.

Hopefully this might help others in the future too

Many thanks
I think those are internal joints in the premade harnesses, not a connector block as you might be thinking.

@mmi or @n10n ?