I've had a vango palm for 5years and never had a problem with it even in winds that we had to lower the pop top perhaps you may have put yours up wrong did you read the pitching instuctions correctly
Oh my god I’m supposed to use that little loop they’ve tied arnt I. Oh my god it’s so much better.
Wtf I’m sure I’ve never done that before??? How is that tied loop that gets pegged in even remotely strong enough for a windy day View attachment 252458
Haha thanks! The little pre-tied ‘loop’ at the end of the rope just doesn’t seem strong enough. Unsure what knot it is, but I guess there’s a reason it’s tied like that
I've had a vango palm for 5years and never had a problem with it even in winds that we had to lower the pop top perhaps you may have put yours up wrong did you read the pitching instuctions correctly
I think you misinterpreted my post. I have had no problems with the awning in winds either; I was merely pointing out that they are not designed, or intended, to be used in extreme conditions. As far as I can tell, I am putting mine up correctly, and
I am perfectly capable of reading instructions, but it has to be said that Vango's pathetic diagrammatic instructions could be easily improved by a five year old with a crayon.
Haha thanks! The little pre-tied ‘loop’ at the end of the rope just doesn’t seem strong enough. Unsure what knot it is, but I guess there’s a reason it’s tied like that
What is a bowline knot, description, origin, how to make a bowline knot step by step, how to do it tutorial on tying it around something, what is it used for
In more modern ropes of a braid on braid construction the figure 8 loop is also a good choice.
For this, the rope is doubled into a bight followed by tying the figure 8 knot. It is one of the ways of creating a figure 8 loop apart from the figure 8 follow through. The versatile knot helps in connecting a rope to a carabiner or climbing harness. Tying a Figure Eight on a […]
Personally I always tie my own knots rather than relying on whatever the person who packed the guy decided to use.
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