Looks like your roof has been invaded by either spiders or the alien from Alien.

I really have no idea how the hell i get all this behind the new roof lining..dont even know if I can hollow it out to house the 3 dimmer modules.
I really have no idea how the hell i get all this behind the new roof lining..dont even know if I can hollow it out to house the 3 dimmer modules.
Just leave your new cubby on the dash and no one will bother looking up at the wiring.. looks brilliant mate.
Second attempt will be tonight... fingers crossed lessons have been learnt and I can get it right..

Then need to fit the lighting buttons, sensors, lights and tidy up wiring..
Attempt number 3.
This time I have tried to see if I can do a hidden cut on the sides.. but not successful.. think that its the only way to get round the double corner.. :thumbsdown:
I think next one will be ok.. just need alittle for time and patience on the join.. maybe fur-it up alittle to help hide cut?.

Suggestions welcome..stitches are not an option.


Most fabric has a stretch across the bias. Ie. If you cut a square of it there may be more stretch corner to corner than top to bottom/left to right. Might be worth trying to place the cloth diagonally across the piece
Hi Fish - I'm looking at putting my webasto controller in the same place. Are you able to explain how you fabricated/customised the cubby hole piece of plastic? Apologies if you have described it elsewhere and I've missed it.
Basiclly 3D printed a new front to suit controls. Then blended the two together.. allowing for cable entry etc
Basiclly 3D printed a new front to suit controls. Then blended the two together.. allowing for cable entry etc
And there was me thinking you’d have used an offcut piece of 4x2 out the van.:D
3D printer, really good shout.
what glue are you using?
Can you not use a evo stick type?
And warm and stretch onto the sides that are causing the creases

Edit ,, just seen the double corners..
Only way is like you said ... cut and join
Or you could put a feature fold in it