Fitting refurbished steering rack issues

CKZ 102

T6 150 DSG Highline
VIP Member
T6 Pro
Hey Folks,

Weird one, but reaching out to see if anyone could comment as I have limited expertise in this space.

My van today had a new Rack fitted, the old one leaking heavily from both ends. It was driving fine, with no issues...just some fluid on the drive.

I purchased a recondition rack from Western Power Steering and my mechanic has fitted it today, he said it bled up fine, but the power steering is non existent. So I think it boils down now to two things...

1. Faulty Rack - potentially an issue with the new rack.
2. Pump has gone/ is going. (Pump is only 2 month old from VW under warranty and was fitted prior to the leaks being found on the rack, whilst I had a leak, the oil never dropped below minimum, so I know I have not ran the new pump dry.

I'm leaning towards the rack being faulty because the pump was working fine when I drove it there to be fixed, odd it would have now given up the ghost...could be wrong.

Keen to know other peoples thoughts.
You can never know for sure unless a known good item is substituted, but logic dictates it's the rack of you had PAS before and now do not.
You can never know for sure unless a known good item is substituted, but logic dictates it's the rack of you had PAS before and now do not.
I’m leaning towards logic on this too. Ideally to validate we could put the old rack back on in a fashion and see if it works/ doesn’t work. That could rule out the pump.

Ultimately it’s more labour to get it sorted, but is what it is. Appreciate your reply.
Whether pump or rack, if both are new/near new you shouldn't be paying any labour to replace either.
Whether pump or rack, if both are new/near new you shouldn't be paying any labour to replace either.
Unfortunately it’s a bit complicated as I’ve bought the parts independently and I don’t think that Western Power Steering will compensate. My mechanic is hourly rate and it’s kind of not his problem as he didn’t supply the parts. Hoping to get a resolution from WPS tomorrow.
Ahh ok mate, I recently removed one. Although it had a mechanical pump there was sensors on the rack. Hope you get sorted soon.
thanks Phil. I was aware some had sensors but mines a “good” old fashioned one. Fingers crossed.
Small update for anyone that commented.

Last week I spoke to Western Power Steering and they said it would be the pump. So I ordered a Bilstein replacement pump and the garage fitted it today. It worked for a couple of minutes and the then lost steering.

So I’ve got wait for a call from Western Power Steering tomorrow to discuss what has happened and hopefully get a replacement sent out. If this doesn’t work I’m at a total loss as it’s just a basic PAS system.

I’m getting temped to get the van back and having a go over a weekend with new parts in the garage.
That’s weird mate, was it a new pump or refurbished? Does it definitely have the correct fluid?
That’s weird mate, was it a new pump or refurbished? Does it definitely have the correct fluid?
New Pump - £280 so middle of the market in terms of price.

I bought 5 Litres of Fluid from TPS.
Maybe Sorted??

Replacement Rack no2 fitted
Replacement pump no3 fitted

Mechanic all but gave up with it, so I went to collect it today. Mechanic said PAS not working when idling / low speeds but works better when up to speed.

Drove it 8 miles home and it wasn’t really safe. Pulled over and revvd the engine whilst in N and I felt a release like feeling on the wheel. Drove better but not 100% (went heavy and light on cambered roads and islands).

Got it home and got my mate to help me turn the wheel and watch for bubbles in the reservoir, we got around 2-3mm bubbles pop up one the first turn. Took it for a few short drives tonight and I think it’s sorted!

I do now have to sort tracking and have a Radar issue…but guessing this is because the alignment is off?

Hoping I’m sorted for now. Worst case I’m going to just take to a VW specialist and get OEM replacement parts.

Thanks for everyone’s input!
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Maybe Sorted??

Replacement Rack no2 fitted
Replacement pump no3 fitted

Mechanic all but gave up with it, so I went to collect it today. Mechanic said PAS not working when idling / low speeds but works better when up to speed.

Drove it 8 miles home and it wasn’t really safe. Pulled over and revvd the engine whilst in N and I felt a release like feeling on the wheel. Drove better but not 100% (went heavy and light on cambered roads and islands).

Got it home and got my mate to help me turn the wheel and watch for bubbles in the reservoir, we got around 2-3mm bubbles pop up one the first turn. Took it for a few short drives tonight and I think it’s sorted!

I do now have to sort tracking and have a Radar issue…but guessing this is because the alignment is off?

Hoping I’m sorted for now. Worst case I’m going to just take to a VW specialist and get OEM replacement parts.

Thanks for everyone’s input!
Update to close this out.

The new pump was on 100 miles and just wasn’t right, hard steering at slow speeds, and metal in the system when I checked it.

I bought ANOTHER Meyle pump and had a go myself and removing, flushing and installing the new pump.

Interestingly the Meyle Instruction for Flush and Bleed did not match what the mechanic had done.

Mechanic had installed and let the system idle, whereas the instructions talk about priming the pump off the van and bleeding the system without the engine running (just the ignition on).

Anyway, did all that and its now spot on, no issues at all. Maybe useful info for anyone having issues when doing this.
I have done exactly what you have stated above but I am still getting vibration towards the end of full lock both ways when the wheels are on the ground. I have now steering power loss at all and it is completely smooth when the wheels are off the ground.
I have done exactly what you have stated above but I am still getting vibration towards the end of full lock both ways when the wheels are on the ground. I have now steering power loss at all and it is completely smooth when the wheels are off the ground.
With a new pump or the old one? I understand even if you have a new one and it’s got damaged from an incorrect install it could be knackered.

FWIW the one I just took off was perfect when jacked up, but when down on its wheels there were similar issues you are describing.
With a new pump or the old one? I understand even if you have a new one and it’s got damaged from an incorrect install it could be knackered.

FWIW the one I just took off was perfect when jacked up, but when down on its wheels there were similar issues you are describing.
It's a brand new pump and I also installed it the correct way you have by priming before etc...