fittings for the beds gas struts


New Member
T6 Pro
the company i bought my van from are choosing to wait out transporter HQs supply issue (8 weeks and counting) rather than adjust their supply chain to any of the uk based gas strut makers.
and because its not even the only issue i've got with the vehicle, im going to do it myself.

does anyone have pics of the bolting mechanisms used on popular conversions? i've googled a few images and im not totally in the dark being a mech eng graduate with a brother with the same degree (and he actually uses it ;)), so we can see multiple ways to do this.
riv nuts look cleaner, which i want, but we need to make sure there is a downward angle on the piston to keep it compressed.
brackets appear on quite a few conversion threads, but dont look as smooth.

so i just wondered if anyone has any pics or advice based experience of their conversion showing how to connect the strut to the vehicle.
the company i bought my van from are choosing to wait out transporter HQs supply issue (8 weeks and counting) rather than adjust their supply chain to any of the uk based gas strut makers.
and because its not even the only issue i've got with the vehicle, im going to do it myself.

does anyone have pics of the bolting mechanisms used on popular conversions? i've googled a few images and im not totally in the dark being a mech eng graduate with a brother with the same degree (and he actually uses it ;)), so we can see multiple ways to do this.
riv nuts look cleaner, which i want, but we need to make sure there is a downward angle on the piston to keep it compressed.
brackets appear on quite a few conversion threads, but dont look as smooth.

so i just wondered if anyone has any pics or advice based experience of their conversion showing how to connect the strut to the vehicle.
Did you fit the gas piston to the bed frame ?
Do you have any photos please?
I got all mine from SGS. I’ve attached my order. This was for a bifold bed. (Note in the end I went for M8 rather than M6 on the fixed struts, so I ordered some more M8 rod end sockets later). I fixed them to the top of the van steelwork with rivnuts, and through the bed panel with coach bolts, also on the top surface. The struts are hidden when the bed is down.

I’m thinking I might go for more gas in the rams to hold mattress and stuff up, but I’ll reserve judgment till the weather is warmer.

Struts and fittings before I carpetted
Hi, I am just in the process of making my bifold bed. I have got as far the back board on struts and am now trying to work out how the main board lifts and stays. There is very little out there on how this moves up and down? I am very much flummoxed now.

We will be using the platform for clothes storage and ideally want a way that allows easy movement up and down…

The secret is a piece of string, to figure out the geometry for the stays. See my crude diagram on this thread:
Awesome. Exactly what I needed. Force requirements is another dark art.. but that can wait for geometry