Found Flat bottom steering - compatible with existing air bag

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T6 Guru
Hi all.

I know there are a couple of flat bottom steering wheels for sale, but they need a new air bag.

I am after the most straightforward swap over using my existing airbag and my mfsw buttons.
Hi all.

I know there are a couple of flat bottom steering wheels for sale, but they need a new air bag.

I am after the most straightforward swap over using my existing airbag and my mfsw buttons.
I’m sure @Dav-Tec could help you with that?
I am on a tight budget, I hear the cheaper solution is a polo steering wheel? And swap over my buttons? Just not sure if a polo one will take my air bag.
I am on a tight budget, I hear the cheaper solution is a polo steering wheel? And swap over my buttons? Just not sure if a polo one will take my air bag.
I’m afraid I don’t know either so I can’t help you with that…. but I do know a man who will…. speak to Chris @Dav-Tec
Yeah polo wheel and buttons will work
it depends on how flat you want ..
there are many out there £100 ish ..
swapping the trim and buttons is a pig of a job, I've done 2
i could do with a pic of your wheel tbh
but does it look similar to this ?

im pretty sure it will fit yes
i have fitted the vw passat b8 ones without any issues
side by side comparison is the best way to be sure
If you have standard cruise control but the new wheel comes with the adaptive cruise button, do you need to swap out the buttons from your old wheel?

If so, is it difficult?
I’ve got the Passat flat bottom one think they are the same as the golf ones also with flappy paddles cost me about £125

If you have standard cruise control but the new wheel comes with the adaptive cruise button, do you need to swap out the buttons from your old wheel?

If so, is it difficult?
Yes swap the controls over. It’s a bit fiddly, but if you’ve got some plastic pry tools, they do pop out and you can clip it into your new wheel.
Hi all, I've just purchased this for £60.00 delivered

Is it okay?

No, wrong air bag connectors. You need the two metal hooks at 9 and 3 o'clock rather than the three round 'bits'.
Update from me, just in case anyone searching this forum for info how to swap the buttons over on the mfsw... They were easy to swap. It's not just the buttons that come off, it's the whole plastic part of the wheel. You just have to be careful and take your time with plastic pry tools. I used some silicone spray to aid the removal as the lugs for the plastic surround are basically pressed into soft recesses in the wheel, the silicone spray helped reduce the resistance and pull the lugs out easier.

Also the plastics for the standard round wheel are exactly the same as the flat bottom wheel.
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