Flush sliding window or fixed?


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Hi all, im looking at buying some windows for my t6 this weekend and need some help on deciding whether to have a flush sliding window on my passanger side sliding door or just fixed? I will have a safari style opening window on the drivers side but not sure if I need the sliding window as well. I have air-con so shouldn't need any ventilation in the back when driving and the price difference is £140. Any insight would be great, thanks.
We have a fixed window on the passenger side. Used as daily driver /camper so when camping we have to door open anyway so no use for the sliding window for us
We have sliding windows on both sides, although we hardly ever open them.

I couldn't put up with the asymmetry. (OCD much?)
I have dogs that like to have windows open so have sliders both sides. The safari windows may be nice but can't drive with them open! Air con doesn't really hit the rear enough for them.
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We have sliding windows on both sides, but the only one we regularly use is on the passenger side, cracked open at night to allow a bit of air flow. That side usually has our Outwell Touring Air shelter attached so if it rains it doesn't matter.
£140 compared to paying £50k for a vehicle? Couple of tanks of fuel?
I didn't pay 50k for my T6. It's potentially £140 i can spend on something else I really want rather than a sliding window i potentially don't need. Unfortunately I've not got a load of money so more asking to find out if it worth it, so I can save on something that is a real luxury for me. I understand others don't care about £140 but I am not one of those. Appreciate your help though...
We have a fixed window on the passenger side. Used as daily driver /camper so when camping we have to door open anyway so no use for the sliding window for us
Thanks, this is exactly what I was thinking. With the addition of the safari window I don't see much need for the slider on the passanger door except for possibly when driving as we will have seats in the back but I still don't think it'll get used an aweful lot.
Brought mine with fixed windows on both side. Going to be replaying those before summer.

When parking up as a day van and it starts raining it will be nice to crack open the passenger side and not get as much road noise. I currently open the front passenger but don't always feel the air coming down.

Drivers will be nice for cooking/kettle which I don't use too much but the odd winter bacon sandwich will be nicer with that direct escape route for the smells etc.

I'm by no means loaded but it's something I'd feel was better to have and not use than want down the road at double the cost. The other bits you want will still be there in a month or 2.
I went for fixed all round, no chance for leaks. When I’m using the back of the van there is plenty of ventilation from the poptop.

I had slider window on drivers side, fixed on side door on my previous camper, and rarely opened the window. However, now these new Safari style are out so would have been tempted by your setup - safari drivers side, fixed on the sliding door.
We have OEM sliding windows on both sides but never open them because they leak. We had one replaced under warranty but the other failed when the car was out of warranty. On the plus side, I have found a fix to cure the leak which lasts about 2 years. We never open the windows which helps. If I had a choice I would have fixed windows every time.
I went for fixed all round, no chance for leaks. When I’m using the back of the van there is plenty of ventilation from the poptop.

I had slider window on drivers side, fixed on side door on my previous camper, and rarely opened the window. However, now these new Safari style are out so would have been tempted by your setup - safari drivers side, fixed on the sliding door.
Same here, our last T5 had the usual factory sliding window corrosion which caused a leak behind the fitted furniture. Damaged the lining and soaked under the flooring, we hadn't noticed until the damp smell started !
Our new T6 project will have fixed windows all round, ventilated via the poptop.
Thanks everyone for your input! I think I'm going to go with a fixed window mainly because it will be on the sliding door banging closed all the time and the potential for leaks. Fixed just seems the sensible option.
We have OEM sliding windows on both sides but never open them because they leak. We had one replaced under warranty but the other failed when the car was out of warranty. On the plus side, I have found a fix to cure the leak which lasts about 2 years. We never open the windows which helps. If I had a choice I would have fixed windows every time.
Hi, I've got the original waterfall inducing windows too. Was curious about your 2 year fix as I've just been quoted £900 to replace. Thanks!
I seam to recall viewing a popular outlet on line, that made some claim that their after market sliding window had resolved the problems associated with OEM sliders.
I’ve got the Kamper Glass sliding windows and I’ve not had any leaks yet. They seem quite well made.