Just to clarify on speed limit warnings.. based on what disclaimers TomTom issues on set up and from some reaserch done18 months ago before may last trip.
You can have a speed limit reminder (one that constantly show the speed limit and tells you when you are over it (tomtom, google both have this as well as most new BMW and Mercedes if you pay for it).
You cannot have alerts that show the location of speed cameras or police check points. Or radar detectors.
You can have alerts for high risk zones, i.e. where accidents have occured, so if you use TomTom in France it will have a zone normally about 2km long that has a history of speeding or accidents, or maybe a school. Most have a speed camera somewhere in thise zones but this cannot be marked.
I use TomTom, Waze and Google depending on what I am doing, When you set up the TomTom for Europe it has the above a disclaimers for France and wont let you turn on camera alerts but will do the 'danger zones'
Apologies if the terminology is incorrect.