Did you manage to sort this out. I’ve got parking sensors there too.
I’m going to be fitting H7’s soon and thought about fitting these at the same time while the bumper is off.
I had the same issue, but just cut out the holes and used the parking sensor fittings that are double sided tape to the back of the original grills - bit of faffing, but worked out fine!
After I did mine, I found these which could be used instead of taking the originals off the original grills and could be used as a template for the holes you need to cut.
After I did mine, I found these which could be used instead of taking the originals off the original grills and could be used as a template for the holes you need to cut.
Did you manage to sort this out. I’ve got parking sensors there too.
I’m going to be fitting H7’s soon and thought about fitting these at the same time while the bumper is off.
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