I have the glow plug light flashing and the other symbol which I think is the exhaust system indicator according to the manual. See below image. The glow plug flashing light turns on after approximately 1 minute. Van starts no problem and runs OK seemingly. Any advice or pointers. Van was serviced by a VW indie 14/09/22 who didn't change the air filter as he said I had only done a low mileage
I used Carista OBCD and get these errors.....
Error P2006 Intake Runner Control Stuck Closed Bank 1
Error 16399 Carista tells me to click for info on that one.
I don't have a VCDS
I also get an intermittent Start/Stop Error flashing up
I definitely hear a slight change in the engine tone at the point the glow plug light starts flashing
Seems still to run OK (i.e not going into limp mode).
Any help appreciated
P.s. is it safe to run it without causing engine damage?

I used Carista OBCD and get these errors.....
Error P2006 Intake Runner Control Stuck Closed Bank 1
Error 16399 Carista tells me to click for info on that one.
I don't have a VCDS
I also get an intermittent Start/Stop Error flashing up
I definitely hear a slight change in the engine tone at the point the glow plug light starts flashing
Seems still to run OK (i.e not going into limp mode).
Any help appreciated
P.s. is it safe to run it without causing engine damage?