Hallo from Italy

hi everyone
I am a new owner of VW caravelle, 2016 imported from Italy.
For my first project I have to change old steering wheel with new multifunction one :D
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Ragazzi, ho ricevuto il kit di retrofit per telecamera per la visione posteriore e sensori di parcheggio posteriori.
Qualcuno può dirmi dove è montato il cablaggio del sensore?
Hello and welcome! We have many international members and do ask them to post in English, even if just using Google Translate. We can help and respond more easily that way

Edit: correcting my own English!!!
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They say grass is greener on the other side, but as for where to live, well, I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else in the world.
When the food, drink and scenery is so nice who cares what colour the grass is :think smile bounce:
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