Heated Window Screen Help

Easy to pop out? Screwdriver do it?

Also my alarm led isn’t working either in the drivers door, does this have a fuse lol
does your alarm work? have you tested it?
best way is to set alarm with windows open, set alarm.

wait 1min then put arms through windows to trigger alarm...

or . . . .

with doors open, use screwdriver to "flip" the door lock closed, then set alarm. wait 1min then jump in van.

the basic alarm monitors door open/volt drop/tow away/ultrasonic in cab

when set the LED will flash fast for a while (min or so) before slowing down to a slow flash (every 2sec or so)


side note, the alarm LED has a 2pin connector to the door loom . . . .

has the door card been off for any reason? . . . maybe the cable is disconnected....
To minimize neighbourhood annoyance: Lock the van using remote. Wait 1 min. Unlock driver door using mechanical key - which also triggers the alarm. Turn off alarm using remote's unlock button.
Right update, the alarm works thank god just the led now so are these individually fused or would it purely be the pin??