Dear King, no SC is doing only camping build, for the VB and some other changes I have to go with an other provider like Terranger (very good but very expensive) or BZS a very friendly company. The reasons for the airsuspension for me compared to Seikel fixed lift up.
1. First that I can pass the barrages on parking lots at the beach which are at 2 or 2,10m and second to level the car for sleeping and third to have some more clearance. Honestly the T6.1 is not a real off road car. I would not be sure with the river crossings.....
Wow a Volvo TGB this is realy impressive and a real 4x4 car. I would like also to have something comparable......but
The forums you mentioned i will give them a try. And concerning the language in our times it does not matter in which language we are speaking as long as we understand each other. So I keep on doing my best.
I had this year some time in Japan (a very very nice country) and I only know 10 word in Japan, but it was no problem with Google translator, which is used even by olderly people, and many friendly gestures we passed all communication problems. So keep us learning and traveling as long as the EU allows it. In this way
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland