Afternoon all - this cold weather has convinced me that it's time to change the battery on our T6. I'd like to replace it with a larger capacity battery as we have a camper conversion and I understand that there are few bits that take from the starter battery, which has been evident on trips where we haven't moved the van for a few days, and it hasn't been the happiest when asked to start, so I think we're a bit too close to the limit on a 70Ah, so I think we'd be happier on a 95Ah.
The barrier for us is the coding element - I don't have the kit or the knowledge, so looking for any hive mind recommendations of recommended places as near to us in Stretford (south Manc) as possible. I'm assuming (but I don't know) that this job isn't the sort of thing any garage would be able to do for us?
The barrier for us is the coding element - I don't have the kit or the knowledge, so looking for any hive mind recommendations of recommended places as near to us in Stretford (south Manc) as possible. I'm assuming (but I don't know) that this job isn't the sort of thing any garage would be able to do for us?