Installed modules list


T6 Pro

Just a question about the installed modules list:

It seems not all of the modules on the first page (the ones that are marked as 'installed') are reachable (no answer from controller or something like that), so I assumed they were not installed and so I unticked the boxes for them (and ticked a box for a module that was not on that list but was reachable). So now there's only a list with the controllers I can actually reach with the vcds.

Hope this was the correct way of doing it.....? :geek:

Just a question about the installed modules list:

It seems not all of the modules on the first page (the ones that are marked as 'installed') are reachable (no answer from controller or something like that), so I assumed they were not installed and so I unticked the boxes for them (and ticked a box for a module that was not on that list but was reachable). So now there's only a list with the controllers I can actually reach with the vcds.

Hope this was the correct way of doing it.....? :geek:
You had ignition on? A picture (screenshot- alt-PrintScreen to capture, ctrl-V to paste here) would help.
Yes ignition was on, think the modules are just not installed, as I don't have an intercom etc I think.

I'm on a mac, so screenshotting is slightly different :p (running a windows virtual machine with vcds in it).

This is a screenshot of the list
Schermafbeelding 2020-05-16 om 12.08.41.png

Also, some are 'not registered', no idea if that's bad or not...

On the new scan they dissapeared (after I unticked their boxes)
Schermafbeelding 2020-05-16 om 12.10.24.png

(never mind the navigation and radio, accidentally did those as well, but activated them after seeing it)
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I just PMd you about the scan i received, lol
Lets do it here instead

I guessing someone (you ?) has messed with the coding on the CAN gateway, module 19
You need to go back into the gateway list and retick 10 & 25

Doing that should clear most of the faults but it looks like your ABS module may be incorrectly coded, is this something you have done ?

Do you have a base scan before you started any coding ?
Not done anything on the abs that I can think of...

will have a look after lunch
Did you get the vehicle form new ?
Do you have base scan before any changes ?

I would tick the two missing modules then clear all fault codes and see what comes back
If theres still faults then post a full scan (without your VIN number) then we can see whats going on
Reverted to the old list (so ticked all the boxes again), errors still exist, and extra ones pop up (because not finding certain modules that are I think not installed but originally listed as installed, see in the log under CAN gateway (no signal/communication). So here probably can disable again the ones mentioned there.

vehicle form new? If you mean if I bought it new, no, it was a garage demo car and had 26000km on it already.

Thank you already for having a look.


  • Log 16-05.txt
    16.8 KB · Views: 27
Can you untick in your CAN Gateway (19) all modules that are listed in your log as "Status: Cannot be reached"?
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As you have selected good few modules that don't normally exist on a T6 maybe the list below will be handy for you for reference purposes.

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Actually there is missing an important line of the scan. I'd like to see also the lines

Chassis Type:
Scan: 01 03 04 08 09...
as it should contain the actual current modules.

The installation list seems to come from memory of the Gateway - as sometimes there are some actual remnants of the vehicle (or coding).

So based on the log I'd remove modules - should be the same what @Robert mentioned above.
31 - !!! not at all in the actual log
37 - !!! see 5F in the list vs. in the log
56 - !!! see 5F in the list vs. in the log
Ok, glad my first thought was more or less right ;-)

Unticked cannot be reached modules.

For the airbag fault, cleared the error again, this time it seemed to work (the previous times it didn't)
ABS fault still exists.


  • Log 26-5 new.txt
    8.7 KB · Views: 31
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Feeling a bit like back in the days when Windows 95 just came out, playing around a bit too much with the configuration files (autoexec.bat and config.sys), screwing stuff up but that way learning on the go! :)
it comes on when the ignition is turned on, but goes off when the brake pedal is pressed.
Which is the signal the test is starting
I would complete the procedure and see what happens, only takes 30 seconds and should clear it
Hello, been a bit busy the last couple of days, but finally got a readout again.

On Monday on the way from work stopped and did a quick 'ABS Test', seems to have sorted it out. So everything in working condition.
Quite satisfying to see the whole list saying 'Status OK 0000' :) .

Thank you all for the input!