Is it worth removing?


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Evening people,
I’ve owned my van through my company for a year now I’ve fitted air ride to since then. I’ve been looking at prices on vans on the market but can’t seem to find any with air ride. Would having the Airride installed demand a higher price than if the van was standard? So my question is would I better off selling the air ride on the van or removing it and selling it separately?

Yes it would extra value, but only to someone who wants air ride.

My advice would be to advertise with air ride, but also a price with it removed.

If you get no interest then remove and sell both separately
Evening people,
I’ve owned my van through my company for a year now I’ve fitted air ride to since then. I’ve been looking at prices on vans on the market but can’t seem to find any with air ride. Would having the Airride installed demand a higher price than if the van was standard? So my question is would I better off selling the air ride on the van or removing it and selling it separately?
Can only speak for myself - everyone will have a different wish list, but I wouldn’t buy a van with air ride.

I see @BognorMotors replied as I was half way though writing but would fully agree - offer it with two prices assuming you’re happy to (or pay someone to) remove the system.

Seems a lot of work to remove it up front and potentially limit your options.
Many thanks for your replies. Yes I understand what you’re saying. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea!