Largest capacity battery under seat

There's actually a fair bit of room around the battery.

No, but basically it's the standard set up, with some specifics for my requirements - positive terminal with a 300a MRBF fuse to 300a isolator, to fused busbar/distribution box, then all my positive connections on that (DC-DC, MPPT, fuse boxes etc).

Then negative to smart shunt, to busbar with everything going to that busbar.
Makes sense ta. To be honest one of my motivations of replacing my battery is also to tidy it up. I’ve got everything hanging off the battery terminals and keep meaning to get some busbars. Think I even ordered em and never fitted them!

Think I’m leaning towards the roamer battery tho need to read the rest of the threads linked above :).

Edit: oh nice it’s down to £759 with the forum code. Was expecting it to be a grand or more!
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