Leaking Coolant Resolved?

What was the cause of your coolant loss?

  • Oil Cooler

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Split hose

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aux (Engine) Heater

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heater (Front)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heater (Rear)

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  • Hose fitting (to engine)

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Have you had a leaking coolant issue resolved?

Please use the poll to tell us what was the cause.

If your resolution is not listed please add a reply and we'll add it to the list.
Please not discuss you issues in this thread (they will get deleted, start a new topic in the appropriate area)
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Hi @Loz, I’ve put ‘other’ because it’s actually the gasket between the cooler and valve that is leaking. Not had it replaced yet. It takes about 3 months for the header tank to lose 1cm of coolant.
Added thanks
Just had a coolant leak resolved by Brookspeed Ltd in Eastleigh, Southampton.
It was the water pump.
Also had the timing belt and tensioner replaced and also another idler that was squeaking.
£660 all in
Really happy with the service, and they took the time to explain the work in detail.

2016 T6
85k miles
Just added my vote to the 'Charge Air Cooler' list for my 2017 T6 with 61.5k miles (California Ocean). For record, my symptoms/steps-taken were:

- Summer 2023 on return from 3-week high mileage Euro Tour - low coolant light comes 'on' for the first time. Caption clears when topped up above 'min'
- Sep through Nov 2023: 2 more recurrences of low coolant. Usage was light in this period (90 miles pw with no single drive >30-mins)
- Nov 2023: Breeze Poole inspect during MOT/service but no visible coolant leaks seen
- Dec through Jan 2023: Possibly even lower usage due to festive break etc. Light comes on one more time
- Jan 2023: Hand van over to V-Tech Automotive in Salisbury for an investigation (1hr - £90 well spent as they ruled out EGR system by pressure test - so that wasn't at fault (phew - £1300 repair avoided) but carried on investigation to find signs of coolant in the Charge Cooler which clearly shouldn't be there. Parts and labour £672.50.
- Problem solved
Mine is (hopefully) now resolved ... he says cautiously as it has only been 1 week so far. Coolant was going down from max to min in about 150 miles. Pressure test was fine. Charge cooler was changed first as it was very wet in the pipes around it (£1k cost for diagnosis time and charge cooler supply and fit). No real difference so it went back in 2 weeks later for the EGR cooler. Another £1.5k cost (cost was agreed up front but garage said it ended up taking 10 hours labour (which is more than he expected)... apparently the removing pipework for the DSG gearbox added time on vs working on a manual).. they reckon they will quote higher next time one comes in needing it done.

Coolant went down quickly when I initially got the van back, but this seems to have just been the system settling and the air being pushed through to the expansion tank. After 24 hours (maybe 50-75 miles) it seemed to settle with no further drop in the coolant level in the past week (driven around 250-300 miles).
Mine is (hopefully) now resolved ... he says cautiously as it has only been 1 week so far. Coolant was going down from max to min in about 150 miles. Pressure test was fine. Charge cooler was changed first as it was very wet in the pipes around it (£1k cost for diagnosis time and charge cooler supply and fit). No real difference so it went back in 2 weeks later for the EGR cooler. Another £1.5k cost (cost was agreed up front but garage said it ended up taking 10 hours labour (which is more than he expected)... apparently the removing pipework for the DSG gearbox added time on vs working on a manual).. they reckon they will quote higher next time one comes in needing it done.

Coolant went down quickly when I initially got the van back, but this seems to have just been the system settling and the air being pushed through to the expansion tank. After 24 hours (maybe 50-75 miles) it seemed to settle with no further drop in the coolant level in the past week (driven around 250-300 miles).
Thing is there’s the charge cooler inlet pipe to the manifold and the EGR cooler pipe to manifold. So it should not have been a part swapping experience imo, plus there has been so may EGR coolers that have failed due to the extreme heat and cooling they are put under, and that should have been flagged first. Pretty sure it’s just a flow and return feed to the DSG and easy to get to you can see it just above the gear box. Sounds like they didn’t have the experience
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Glad I found this thread. Took my camper (2019, 150bhp, manual) to a VAG main dealer last week for an engine software upgrade. This was done under the camper van suppliers warranty as I have only had the vehicle about 11 weeks and was part of their attempts to resolve a yellow EML issue. Anyway, as part of the service the VAG dealer did a "health check". Sure enough, they found two more issues, firstly the power steering fluid needed topping up, despite allegedly having been checked by the camper supplier on the PDI, and secondly the report said the "vehicle coolant is low, investigation required, possible EGR valve"

Now, im no mechanic, far from it, but I was scratching my head trying to work out how the coolant system, which I thought was a sealed system, could be related to or even come into contact with, the Exhaust Gas system. Now that I've seen it listed above as one of a list of possible causes, I feel a bit more at ease. I did think for a minute that the VAG dealer was trying to nick some more work to be carried out and paid for via the suppliers warranty as they mentioned "up selling the issue" to the camper supplier!

Maybe any techs on the forum could explain, in lay-mans terms how one affects the other and what any possible causes and cures there maybe, or if there maybe anything else to look out for if indeed the ERG valve / system turns out to be faulty?

Cheers in advance all,

Egr cooler has coolant one side and exhaust gases the other. So if the barrier fails you’ll get coolant going into the air intake
Cheers Dm85 for explaining that. Hopefully that won’t be the cause but there is obviously a leak somewhere in the system. Hopefully the camper van supplier’s workshops will identify and rectify it! Hopefully.
That’s a lot of “hopefully”! :rolleyes:
The vehicle supplier had it back in their workshops for a week. Did every test possible including buying in a piece of kit they didn’t hold for a particular test. Result…..no leak!
I’ve been observing the water level after a series of long runs and the water level cold remains the same.
Now, the more cynical side of me may think the VAG main dealer who “identified a possible leak with the EGR’ may having been sniffing some business to be done as the camper is under a one year warranty from the supplier. But they wouldn’t do that, would they?? ;)
Just got the coolant leak at 70k kilometers. Culprit is the EGR Cooler...
Why they fail so soon ? Have they improved the component since then ?
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Well... did 60 km after the repair, lost coolant again....
Jesus, check oil for coolant contamination. Put uv dye in the coolant and check charge cooler manifold inlet hose and butterfly valve for coolant.

Gearbox cooler? Water pump, check the reservoir cap is not faulty first tho
Jesus, check oil for coolant contamination. Put uv dye in the coolant and check charge cooler manifold inlet hose and butterfly valve for coolant.

Gearbox cooler? Water pump, check the reservoir cap is not faulty first tho
I can't do that myself, I bring it back to the garage and let you know
Jesus, check oil for coolant contamination. Put uv dye in the coolant and check charge cooler manifold inlet hose and butterfly valve for coolant.

Gearbox cooler? Water pump, check the reservoir cap is not faulty first tho
Or they may not have bled it properly
Or they may not have bled it properly
You were right, the coolant did not filly went into the system. I put some coolant back and it never went down again. The garage assured me they pressure tested after the cmrepair and there was no leak. All good now
You were right, the coolant did not filly went into the system. I put some coolant back and it never went down again. The garage assured me they pressure tested after the cmrepair and there was no leak. All good now
That’s a relief for you. Glad it got sorted! It’s so common for EGR coolers on the T6 to fail hopefully the new ones are more robust...
That’s a relief for you. Glad it got sorted! It’s so common for EGR coolers on the T6 to fail hopefully the new ones are more robust...
Yeah ... This made me look for buyers ... I'm gutted to have spent about 3800 in repairs in less than 2 years between 46k and 78k kilometers..
Is there any reason why you would change the charge cooler at the same time as EGR cooler or would it be sensible to do the EGR first then see if it’s still losing coolant? Also if the EGR cooler is being replaced is it a good idea to do the EGR valve at the same time? @mmi @Dellmassive @Loz @Pauly
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Possibly heat? I have just done a couple big trips across Europe to the mountains and beyond. New VW engine and associated parts by Retro Resus. I have noticed using about 10mm per 1k miles plus. Now back in the UK and did a bigish trip to East Devon and nothing.... Any thoughts?