You can turn off bulb monitoring for each individual pair of lamps via VCDS if reqd
That's worth knowing, that would certainly solve the problem, some VCDS owners are going to be very busy soon
You can turn off bulb monitoring for each individual pair of lamps via VCDS if reqd
That's worth knowing, that would certainly solve the problem, some VCDS owners are going to be very busy soon
It would but i dont think it will stop the indicators flashing fast on the dash will it ? I would find that very annoying
That's a good point, I was assuming it would stop all of the errors but thinking about it, it would still detect a drop in voltage and therefore flash fast on the dash (probably) some expert VCDS users could give it a test ???
As you suggest @T6 Dave they do need some load resistors to stop the error light by the looks of it but the bulbs state there error free so i have email them to supply the correct parts to do the job or i will return them with the correct feedback to match ,see What i get back
Did anyone ever get round to finding a good set of LED indicator bulbs for the front / rear?