LED strip fading & flickering in kitchen


New Member
Has anybody had this issue whereby the LED strips in the kitchen area seem to flicker or single LEDs simply not illuminating. This entire LED strip worked perfectly when installed a few weeks ago and now I’d guess that 50% of them are now intermittent/flickering or not working.

What’s the solution? New strip? Power issue? Need a driver or booster?





5v strip on a 12v supply? Have a look on the tape the voltage will be printed on it
Thanks @Deaky I’ll have a look. If it were to be a 5v strip, presumably l’d need a 12v to 5v regulator as below?

Would this solve the flickering and the non-illuminating LEDs or would these be permanently damaged?
They’ll be knackered. You’ll need a new strip
Id agree
Its either 5v tape with 12v being shoved into it thats killed it
its cheap nasty tape thats just failing prematurely

Depending on your electrical setup its possible you are pushing a slight overvoltage (14v ish) from your leisure battery into 12v tape and its outside the tolerances of the tape ?
In my opinion a decent quality 12v tape is all that’s required