Leisure battery help

Thanks Road tripper and yes totally agree with simplifying it all and just having 1 battery at the mo .
So I've been out for a look as to what does what before I start moving stuff about.
The top batt is the non O.E. and so I've looked at this first .
The fuses are blue 15a connected to solar controller so will move over to new batt.
Middle fuse I can't see where the wires go , they disappear under the floor so i guess i'll have to move those anyway.
Bottom yellow 20a is in the positive link between the 2 batteries so i think i can safely bin those .
Hopefully then I'll have enough space on one set of battery clamps to reconnect everything .
Will check what type of SB is fitted .
can I harm anything by simply disconnecting and reconnecting these carefully? Maybe pull the fuse first .
Ok so I've ripped out the batteries today , removed the link wires , checked for anything that may have got warm .
One battery is still sat at 13.1v so i've refitted it temporarily , will monitor it closely while I look for a replacement.
More importantly it doesn't stink when on HU anymore .
I did wonder if some of the fuses might be in the link wire from the first picture - it suggests whoever did it was aware of the risk as the fuse would blow on any gross difference or short - but still a 20A fuse may not actually blow until well over so it still allows quite heavy currents to flow.

You might find a small fuse box with positive and negative bus bars like this one may help tidy things up rather than having lots of things on the battery terminals - have one heavy fused link and then break out to individual fuses:

Personally I'm a fan of the Blue Sea options, they are spendy but being built to a more marine grade can be reassuring when your are going to have the family sleep in the van...

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Sounds like a plan :thumbsup: .
Might even have to look at the vdub next as I'm gonna be changing things around in there and wanna add solar etc .