For Sale LHD LWB Twin-Slider Parts - stripped van [THQ]

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@The.Grape.Escape.T6 Instagram
VIP Member
T6 Guru
Possibly in the wrong section, but just seen that Transporter HQ are stripping a LHD LWB twin slider. No engine or running gear, but everything else available.

Are the near side sliding door seals available? The seals on the actual door not the opening frame.
Are the near side sliding door seals available? The seals on the actual door not the opening frame.
I'd say drop them a message bud on instagram, it's not my van, just one I seen.

Failing that, I know van style door door seals

Or here

Thanks so much. Unfortunately those aren't the ones I'm after.
It's more the edging strip on the actual door. 2 separate strips I think
Nope that goes below the side step.
I think they are on the special shelf with T5 cup holders, passenger captains seats and LWB 4motion under trays which is the other one I can't find

I'll get a picture tomorrow
Just for clarification, this is NOT my van. Best best is to contact them on the following links

Instagram: TransporterHQ
Phone: 0116 247 8156
Unit 12, Bruntingthorpe Industrial Estate, Upper Bruntingthorpe, Lutterworth LE17 5QZ

Here's a vdeo on it
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