Catalog number 32
For Left and Right side, seatbelt upper mounts should be welded. Marked them on my previously shared photos.
7H3810601C x1
7H3810602C x1
Catalog number 21
7H9809761 x1
Catalog number 20
Need only for left side, because on the right side there is a A/C Blower
7H3809531C x1
Catalog number 22
N01029316 x4 (i installed longer from skoda n90786502 - more appropriate)
Catalog number 23
N90631202 x1 (i would buy 4 for reserve)
This is a hex for precuted hex holes.
N90408504 x3 (i would buy 4 for reserve)
Catalog number 33
Bracket for the right seatbelt roller
7H3810682B x1
Catalog number 30
Bracket should be welded on to the right side wheel arch. Marked it on my previously shared photos.
7H3810414 x1 (There is error, this is numbered as Nr 41 without a partnumber)
7H3810812A x1
This mount sits on the top of the welded bracket listed above
Catalog number 39 and 40 without partnumbers
N90786502 x3 (i used these)
Catalog number 1
7H9857815L RAA x1
Catalog number 18 and 33
WHT001373 x2 (this is optional, i not used there, found this part number in other diagrams)
Catalog number 23
28185779701C x2
Catalog number 24 and 31
N98926801 x2
Catalog number 25 and 32
7H0857845B x2
Catalog number 20
WHT001373 x2 (because bracket needs two) from other catalog
Catalog number 21
N98924904 x2 (because bracket need two) from other catalog, 5mm longer
Catalog number 10
N90900602 x2
Catalog number 9
N98926202 x2
Catalog number 2
7H9857816L RAA x1
Catalog number 27
N01024032 x1
Catalog number 26
7H0857817D x1
Catalog number 28
N10656801 x2
Catalog number 29
N98921102 x1
Seat bracked parts, usually are available used like new.
WHT003219 x 8
7H0883873F x 4
7H0883087A 9B9 x 4
D-pillar linings
As i mentoned before, www. oemvwshop. com sell them for ~10EUR each, that is very good price, because of size, delivery coud be around 40eur. in other places these cost 70eur each.