My T6 2017 went in this week for AdBlue woes. This is my sequence which might help others:
- M25 went from 3500miles randomly to 1000 left. Got home (40 miles later) then gave me the dreaded 600mile countdown. Also, EML came on with EGR codes.
- Topped up with 10l of correct BS number AdBlue. Did not register. Still said 500miles left before not starting blah blah.
- Tried to reset SCR lock, and other AdBlue / SCR codes in VCDS. Allowed me to do the resets but no joy.
- Removed undercarriage and inspected tank and outside of injectors/pipework. All looked OK.
- Syphoned all the AdBlue out. All clear - no contamination - and around 11litres in the tank. Pulled all SCR fuses for 2 mins whilst empty. Re-fused, refilled tank...nothing
- Van software is 4047. Had local tuner round about a Stage 1 flash on Saturday last week. Resetting ECU version 4047 didn't help. (Didn't get a Stage 1 or AdBlue delete just yet as it was booked into VW)
- VW took it Tuesday this week. I said can they check if software 6136, as it should be on there from what I've read on T6 Forum. They said VW factory said it should be 4047 as that's the most up to date
- The rear EGR pipe was split and hissing like an angry cobra. That would explain the EML.
- That was changed, along with the front pipe (the new iteration from VW) and flush carried out
- Master Tech could not reset SCR / AdBlue system for love nor money.
"He's been doing it 12 years and never seen this issue". Tried to suggest some ideas to the service advisors which was met with interesting responses.
- Master Tech put her into hibernation mode and hard reset. Still nothing.
- After another hour, got a call back to say they did a DPF forced regen (not sure what that is as not looked it up yet) and that allowed them to resest the SCR. AdBlue now showing 6000 miles in the tank.
Bit worried it might come back one day - so flipping temperamental. I've been quoted £280 for a 78bhp remap (Stage 1) and AdBlue delete, so is another option for future. I'm down in Kent if anyone needs that contact. He's mobile.
Hope this helps other people with AdBlue anxiety.
We're off for a night stay near the cost tonight. With 6000 miles of AdBlue in the tank