Have observed my last three regensMore modern version of the graph can be found in document "VW Service Training. Self Study Programme 514 – New family of 2.0l TDI engines EA288". (Later SSP 514). The document is a few years old (approx. 2013), and applies to EU5 engines. But, most likely this part applies also to EU6 engines, because big leap from EU5 to EU6 is the change of NOx performance - where the AdBlue has a role.
Related living measurement values on T6 are (at least) the following (can be read at least by VCDS and VW-service tools, any others, anyone?):
IDE00432 Particle filter: time since last regenerationIDE00434 Particle filter: soot mass calculatedIDE00435 Particle filter: soot mass measuredIDE00436 Particle filter: kilometers since last regenerationIDE01407 Particle filter: fuel consumption since last regenerationIDE06059 Particulate filter: oil ash mass
The following three values seem to be embedded fixed values/limits of the T6 (verified on engine CXFA, would expect to be same on all EU6 diesel variants of T6).
IDE06060 Particulate filter ash load limit -- reads out 110 g (ash), assumption is that when "IDE06059 Particulate filter: oil ash mass" reaches 110 g, the DPF needs to be replaced.IDE09339 Charge limit for service regeneration while driving -- this reads out 40 g (soot)IDE01410 Charge limit over charge -- this reads out 50 g (soot), assumption is that if regeneretions keep failing and eventually "IDE00434 Particle filter: soot mass calculated "reaches this 50 g, regeneration of DPF is not allowed any more, not even by VW-service tools, and the DPF needs to be replaced. Reason stated is high risk of uncontrolled burn of soot.
Attached picture from document SSP 514 says that when soot mass ( I'm assuming "IDE00434 Particle filter: soot mass calculated") is below 18g you are in range (green line) of (possible) passive regeneration (green dotted line). To get that happen obviously quite heavy load is needed - it seems that need to reach steady exhaust temp of 600C+ at input of DPF. Perhaps less, but 450C seems not to be enough. Van alone - something like 120+ km/h. A big trailer would probably help!
The reason why I'm assuming IDE00434 (instead of -435) to be correct value is that it matches with what's going on, and there is no actual soot mass measurement sensor on T6. Nevertheless, the values from IDE00435 align with an offset with calculated ones - verified that VCDS values matches with VW tester, too.
Soot mass between from 18g up to 30g (blue line, "IDE00434") kicks in active regeneration -> continues till value is less than 6g (blue dotted line down). Seems to do like this on mine. Observed that active regen keeps the exhaust temp in range 650...700C+ at turbo input up to 20 mins.
DPF light will turn ON when soot mass reaches 30g (purple line), (value from SSP 514), and obviously driver has to do regen drive before the soot mass reaches 40g ("IDE09339 Charge limit for service regeneration while driving"), to get soot mass down to below 6 g (purple dotted line down).
Service regeneration (initiated by VW tester, perhaps with VCDS, too?) is required when soot mass is 40-50g (pink line) (note: for T6 from "IDE01410 Charge limit over charge = 50g"-> slightly relaxed spec). Soot mass will be below 6g after successful regen.
View attachment 7566
The document SSP 514 also states that active regen will take place if you reach 750 km without a regen, as a precaution if nothing else has triggered it.
Note: Soot burns, ash does not - ash is residual of burned soot, but mainly residual of burned engine oil (ash deposits from inorganic additives in the engine oil) captured in the DPF. One of the reasons why the spec/properties of the engine oil has a role in these engines- ashless preferred. As always.
Starts at 30g and runs down to 8g
Mileage between regens is around 185 miles