My wet Macular journey

Rioja John

T6 Legend
Almost 3 years ago I was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration which ment regular eye injections usually once a month, but the last year my sight in my left eye got worse with a fog over my vision, also last year I broke my leg which left me with a DVT so the eye clinic staff wouldn’t inject my eye because of the blood thinners I was prescribed, This made it that I lost 2 of my injections. In October 2024 the NHS decided to try a new injection drug which had come out, the same November and December, Anyway today for some reason my appointment was at Stafford hospital and not the Royal Stoke hospital.
I had my eye test then my eye scan and then I asked where I had to go for my eye injection, I was told that we don’t do injections here and that I had to see Louise concerning my scans.
Anyway I went in to see Louise and she was ecstatic she said “your wet macular has disappeared and now your injections at Royal Stoke will be 2 months apart for the next 2 injections and if the condition stays the same they will extend to 4 monthly injections”
I Said “but what about the cataract I have as the vision with my left eye is fogged over” she said “we’re arranging for you to have the cataract removed and then I will have to have new glasses” She couldn’t have been more happy if she had won the euro millions.
So what a great start to the new year.