Starting Procedure

Also no need to hold the key in the start position. ( like the old days!) Turn the key to crank and release immediately. The cranking is automatic and will stop on its own when the engine starts.
Also no need to hold the key in the start position. ( like the old days!) Turn the key to crank and release immediately. The cranking is automatic and will stop on its own when the engine starts.
Many thanks for your informed opinion it is much appreciated. And I guess now I am beginning not to worry about the possible damage that I thought could have been done to the van.

Technically that is 6-6 however I have stopped keeping score at 6-5 to me.
I have a ghost so have to disarm that first and often (but not always) wait for the light to flash twice to confirm. The other day my hand slipped on the key as I turned it and so ignition was only engaged for a second and still started fine.
"We had a discussion...":fast rofl:

Make that 7-9... coz male solidarity!