Near side LED headlight un-commanded dimming when driving


New Member
Hello T6 Peeps. I've got a 2018 T6 with OEM LED headlights which are amazing, Only issue is the NS light seems to dim every now and then for a second before returning to full brightness. Any ideas? Not a problem for me but could appear like you're flashing your lights at other road users.

Possibly the Ballast for the headlight is starting to show signs of failing or a loose earth connection either in the plug or iirc under the scuttle panel
Thanks @Dav-Tec I'll check out thew connections first seem logical. I have had a couple of occasions where the bulb warning has come on after hitting a decent pot hole in the road so maybe related but after re-start warning gone away? The headlights are only a year old btw as replaced by previous owner to the white Sportline ones I believe.