So then Mr Officer, your speedo is registering 0mph so you are stationary, however as your tacho needle is at the 9O'clock position, this would indicate that the keys are in the ignition and the engine running. How does this thing about not using a hand held device when in charge of a vehicle work again???View attachment 7700 Just got my beat mpg ever on my drive home from work.
I'm parked in the driveway of my house. On private property.... and it's use a hand held device whilst driving.... ;-)So then Mr Officer, your speedo is registering 0mph so you are stationary, however as your tacho needle is at the 9O'clock position, this would indicate that the keys are in the ignition and the engine running. How does this thing about not using a hand held device when in charge of a vehicle work again???![]()
I define driving as something other than sitting on my driveway with the handbrake on.... it at least requires a road or highway..Ahh but define driving? If you are stationary at a set of traffic lights thats not "driving".... I knew you wouldn't be anywhere other than off the highway, a good upstanding member of law enforcement.
Haha.. let's have a beer sometime and I'll give you a trilogy's worth of excuses that I've heard!! Kicking off with the person who crashed into the car in front on the A30 because he was reading the "police accident" sign. He obviously thought it was an instruction rather than a warning!Excellent, just trying to investigate the potential excuses that I can write into a book. Have heard so many over the years, its good to get some from another enforcing body.![]()
Nope!!! It constitutes a nice little due care offence though! My all time favourite is being in court with someone who's "not guilty" defence to overtaking though protected turning bays and then accelerating to 103 mph whilst I was in the unmarked car behind him was this little gem.Now that is truly awesome. Wonder if he is going to get litigation in that you deliberately distracted him. "My lud, I put to you that my poor helpless, halfwit of a client was being a good observant driver in reading the sign that the Police had put out., and therefore it is the Police's fault that he crashed. If the sign had not been there my client would have had nothing to read and ergo would not have crashed into the car in front".
Does that constitute a technical polacc?
Me too. He did try the classic " I found the officer oppressive when he went to stop me because I was scared of the Blue lights and the siren was very loud"Brilliant, suprised he didn't come back with "it can't have been that dangerous as the police car behind me must have been going even faster to have caught up with me".