Newbie from the North East incoming...

Another few bits done. THQ gloss black trapezoid sidebars mounted and barn door rear spolier. Still a lot of mods bought and ready to fit but need better weather and my bad back and knees to play ball for a little bit. Anyway, couple of update pics.


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I used to share a house with her (her house, I just lived there) down Hatfield Rd maybe 35 years ago.
She moved there with her now Ex Ian and son Mason a while ago.
I knew another Lynne, Foster, who used to live down your road, went to school with her from 74-86.
A proper local guy then. Hopefully bump into you out and about at some point. With your van being bright orange I guess it'll be easier for me to spot you than the other way around lol.
It is so bright I can see it from here! The Suzuki seams cool. I know that they perform well of road but what is it like to live with?:)
Front end all sorted, for now, with gloss black splitter, grilles, trim and a set of HTQ LED DRL headlights. Very happy with how it is starting to look now. Will add some black VW badges front and rear but that's the aesthetics done for now. Windows and insulation and carpet lining up next though.
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