New Member
Looking for some advice please, I have a 2016 T6 4Motion on 60k miles which has developed some fault codes. It threw up a flashing coil light last October and the code reader showed P2102 (Throttle actuator control motor circuit low) P2100 (Throttle actuator control motor circuit open) P2101 (Throttle actuator control motor circuit range / performance). During a journey home (around 100 miles) these error codes disappeared and the coil light went out but then would intermittently re-appear now and again. Everything seemed fine in terms of how the van was driving so I figured it was probably a sensor playing up. Recently I have had the clutch and fly wheel replaced and once the garage had put things back together these fault codes returned along with the coil light and engine management light. I said to the garage that I've seen the codes before and they may go away by themself so I took the van and continued using it. After a couple of weeks the codes hadn't gone so I returned the van to them to investigate. They started with diagnostics and then advised after speaking to VW that we change the throttle body. This was done but still have the error codes. They then started looking at the wiring and have found that there is oil in several electrical connectors and the wiring loom connector that plugs into the ECU. They said it appears that oil has got into the wiring loom itself and has flowed inside the cables and into the connectors. They have looked at the oil pressure sensor and the oil level sensor and both electrical connection are dry (no oil) so possibly ruled them out as the source. They have not found where this oil has come from or how it got into the loom but there is evidence of a spraying oil leak in several places such as hoses and on top of the starter motor. They have cleaned all the electrical connectors that they can get to easily and put everything back together (including putting the old throttle body back on) and the error codes/engine lights are all on as before. VW have said it needs a whole new wiring loom (£3k + before fitting!) and that may ultimately be what ends up happening but the source of the leak still needs to be found first which is a bit of a mystery... Sorry for the long winded story but has anyone ever come across a situation like this or have any words of wisdom to aid me please? Photo shows oil on ECU connector.