Our T6 Velle

What are you doing for the illumination? Side lit with LEDs? Or LEF strip under a diffuser layer?
What are you doing for the illumination? Side lit with LEDs? Or LEF strip under a diffuser layer?
Hi roadtripper 5 volt dc self adhesive led strip on side off body CAD design took a few goes to get it right, probably going to
change it again with some small feet to have on dashboard or somthing to put in rear window


If you're using the strip raw a lot of them drive the LED very hard (they look brighter then for no extra manufacturing cost and when something fails they hope it's out of warranty) so might be worth seeing if you can drop the current a bit. Run an LED at +10% it will run about a year, run them at -10% they will last years.
Amazon do usb leads in various lenghs with dimmer switch on them will order 1 in the future to try one , this only started out as a bit off fun to see what was possible , a friend did the CAD and printed it at home ,he works on industrial printers.
Just had this t6forum led illuminated sign 3 D printed works off usb socket,
no copywrite infringement intended , will probably change the usb lead for one with a dimmer from Amazon , have yet to fit it in the van but it looks super when lit up.View attachment 270981View attachment 270983
Excellent idea. When you're happy to be associated with us, switch it on, and when want to disown us, turn it off!