Hello All,
Hope someone can help with this.
Finally got around to doing these.
After removing and cleaning up all of the sensors I went back to replacing them and only then realised the colours of the group of three wires going to each sensor are different!
I have found some diagrams online but nothing that has helped so far.
I have connected all of them where I thought the wires were before but apparently three are wrong! The first one (far right) has the correct wiring as I had a previous photo, the others I think are all wrong as if I put the van in revers all three act as if something is behind the van already.
Hopefully someone can say which order the wires should be in for the remaining three. Sorry for the blurry photos, the sun seemed to make them really hard to get clear.
Bear in mind mine is 2014/2015 T5.
Right (correct)
View attachment 65662
Second from right (probably wrong)
View attachment 65663
Second from left (probably wrong)
View attachment 65664
Left (probably wrong)
View attachment 65665
Sorry I should have added that I eventually found out how to remove the individual wires from the connectors ( see my post
#11). To remove all three the purple clip must be completely removed then all three slide out, and as you see in the picture below there is a silicone seal around the wire that slides in the hole.
View attachment 65669