Pop-top: colour matched or black?


New Member
Hi everyone, my first post here. I'm a thrilled new owner of a Ravenna Blue T6.1 VW van.
I'm in the process of having it converted and have many decisions to make.
I'm unsure about whether to have the pop top roof kept standard black or have it colour coded to match the rest of the vehicle.
Whilst black would be a good contrast, I'm leaning towards the colour match but it's not cheap.
Wouldn't black get very hot in warmer weather?
FYI I'm having royal blue canvas.
Thanks in advance

If it helps, here's a picture of our Ravenna Blue van with a gloss black roof. We think it contrasts quite nicely.
I’d personally get it colour coded. I think it looks better but that’s just me. Black doesn’t look bad at all. I just prefer the look of it matching.
In all fairness, any van would get hot regardless of colour, but once popped it cools down quite quickly. Especially if you have the scenic canvas installed.
Colour coded for us, a gloss black roof on a car looks good but the wrap ends at the shoulders of the car whereas a poptop wraps over the shoulders so the edge of colour isn't hidden... Everybody is different though! :)
I’d personally get it colour coded. I think it looks better but that’s just me. Black doesn’t look bad at all. I just prefer the look of it matching.
Thanks. I'm leaning that way too.
Colour coded for us, a gloss black roof on a car looks good but the wrap ends at the shoulders of the car whereas a poptop wraps over the shoulders so the edge of colour isn't hidden... Everybody is different though! :)
Thanks for replying. I'm not altogether clear on what you mean though sorry