Done! There are a few discount vouchers available on Amazon today - £20 off the panels, %% discounts off the cables. Thanks @Dellmassive
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Hope it is OK to resurrect this older thread:
When I camp I'm always on a site so no problems with EHU for charging overnight but on days out (when I might be parked up but still at the van for a few hours) I've either got the fridge on (which on a hot day can use a surprising amount from the leisure battery) or in winter when I might need to put the diesel heater on a few times. The Eberspacher does not use much diesel but it needs power for the fan.
Can I connect something like the panel recommended above Renogy Portable to the leisure battery in a fully converted Hillside van without screwing things up? As both the fridge and heater are hardwired into the van I do not think a portable battery pack is the answer but I want to be able to top up the leisure battery during the day.
I am a total DUNCE when it comes to anything electric . . . and more than a little scared of doing damage to the electrics by doing it wrong,please be gentle with me.
I think I understand that a panel cannot be plugged directly into the leisure battery but has to have a controller in between to stop the LB being overcharged, is that the way it works?
Did you manage set this up?
I've got the portable Renogy. Seems like a good quality panel and a handy smart bag for it