I believe that the increased van use for home holiday use is caused by a combination of events. First is Brexit, it makes the whole business of travelling to the EU a far more protracted and awkward experience. One cannot just go for a drive and on a whim just hop on the chunnel or ferry and tour around at ones hearts content! One could see what was on the cards years ago, when there was a colour change, in the politics of the government. This was years before Brexit.
Then we had Covid19 and all the restrictions that came with that. People still needed to get out or go on holiday for the sake of sanity. The release from jail was like a champagne cork at a formula 1 party, bouncing around narrow surrounds. There had been a steady increase of van sales over the years. Subconsciously people become aware of more vans being around. Most people are affected by fashion. It's either a subconscious compliance or an active choice. The fairy dice and foul looking CHAV hatchback Brigade, with ear piercing decibel sound systems. Playing questionable music with more bass output than a live aid concert. Has grown up, got married, have kids of their own and progressed into something bigger and very much more expensive.

Easily converted for holiday use, to compensate the lack of the package holiday in the costa what ever. It has attracted people from all quarters. Providing versatility, what else can accommodate a whole family and double up as a working vehicle for the swollen masses of the new self employed. It also provides status and satisfies the vain. Whole new industries set up to accommodate for every whim and taste.
From the fashionable, dropped and glamorous. Scraping its bouncing bottom along the strand. Exhibiting manly excessively wide tyres more suited for safari, stretched and draped luxuriously over wheels that might flatter a race touring car, disappearing somewhere into the hidden depths of the overly polished and pampered pimp-mobile van the man cave. They hassle and bustle along impatiently and late. They cant wait to erect their awnings and stare. At the couple parked next door, with the audacious and large accessory store. They make friends and compare and say cheers for the bear while the wife cooks the meal all cramped the at the rear. While young children play footy older teens footsie. Dad slaps his lips around another can of fosters.
To the shamelessly rude expedition truck. Stacked up on skyscraper stilts. Exhibiting every device known to the most hardened explorer. Including never to be used winches and snorkels. Landrover impressing wheel and tyre packages and sporting intimidating bull bars to ward off the unlikely.
In-between the extremities are the dedicated and serious camper wagon. Less ostentatious, sombre and practical. Providing mid week and longer, quieter retreats. Waiting patiently for grandchildren and the holidays. They are mastered by experienced time served crew who are in no hurry. Matured by centuries. They have only what they need and nothing that they do not. They know where everything is and are automated in timeless procedure. Nothing goes wrong, everything is prepared for. These vans are not the GTI of the van world. It is the journey, not just the destination. They do not hustle in haste or parade in the high street. They park politely in the car park only taking one place. Not for them the over indulgence and self importance of double parking occupancy and the straddled white line.