Could you take a picture of it fitted please. I want to see where it goes and what kind of bike lock I could fit through the eye and how easy it could be unbolted by a wrong-un
Could you take a picture of it fitted please. I want to see where it goes and what kind of bike lock I could fit through the eye and how easy it could be unbolted by a wrong-un
I wouldn’t worry too much about unbolting. The wrong-uns that raid MTB events cut the cables or chains, they won’t bother fiddling under the van with spanners.
I wouldn’t worry too much about unbolting. The wrong-uns that raid MTB events cut the cables or chains, they won’t bother fiddling under the van with spanners.
Very true. I would be using big chain locks. The kind you'd need to make a noise to break. The bike would be locked up whilst I sleep with my head at the tailgate end. I'd stick the bike in the van if not using it and not sleeping inside.
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