@Tourershine@Repete You mention above having a rust protection treatment.
I didn't even know modern vehicles offered this anymore. Is that through the dealers and whats involved out of pure interest?
Sorry if my English skills get a bit in the way of below attempt to explain:
The process of the rust protection, in this case, is that a thick and sticky substance (tar-like) is sprayed into cavities and in particularly exposed places. It is done according to a specific plan for the particular car. The actual need for this has certainly become significantly less as car manufacturers have galvanized many parts and generally became better and mpore awa been better at protecting against rust but still, at least here in Denmark where regular salt is used in the winter months, keep the car significantly better over time. The treatment provides an independently extended warranty against rust in addition to that provided with the car.
The work is carried out at the same address as my dealer, who also provides it, by a specialized center.
In fact, I do have some mixed feelings to having someone sneak around my brand new car and fill cavities and get up with ugly substances but have also seen what Danish winters can do to cars in terms of rust.
Even worse just now: The full dry up of the treatment prolongs the wait by 3 days which certainly is not great at all when being like a kid so close to xmas.
On the bright side the treatment is definitely more effective when done to the new car. Also the £900 cost is done as part of a complete deal with the VW dealer.
If you have any thoughts let me know.
Perhaps this Google translated link can give a bit more details:
Google Translate
Love the colour, I had a caravelle configured in it but they pulled it over here before I had chance to order it.
Good effort, well done. I don't think VW UK would have entertained the thought of it! Jobsworths!Fell almost instantly in love with the color after having specified the Deep Black Pearl originally which was what I always thought I wanted.
The Kurkuma/Turmenic Yelllow metallic isnt part of the general sales material in DK either but came to our attention via a different seller having seen it on the configurator on vw.de and afterwards convinced the Danish VW distribution of at least allowing it to be specified directly on orders.
Afaik we have the exact same VW 10 year warranty on rust corrosion from the inside here in DK.
Really many cars in DK is given the anti rust treatment. If not from day one as in my case then during first year(s).
Not sure of the actual percentage of treated cars but it is really high.
I am sure the danish weather has the blame and especially, as I mentioned earlier, high use of salt on the roads during winter adds much to that..
I am aware that many of the countries south of here, and obviously from your questions also the UK don't treat their vehicles and doesn't have much of a problem either.
Regarding being up sold I actually think this was a slightly different setting.
I always bring my girlfriend with me to participate in the final negotiations since she has a professional background in purchasing, is quite tough and thus is able to go way further than my temperament lets me. This time seller to our best judgement was at, or at least very close to the ultimate limit so she sets out to get other stuff added instead. The added privacy tint for the windows an the anti rust treatment among others.....
Again I am not overly happy about letting them do my pretty new one but since we inevitable would profit from getting it done a little further down the road anyway this "free" way does has its "plusses".
Considering Danish not exactly being one of the big world languages I trust you on the absence of Danish speaking skills.![]()
including a Viper Green T6 that I saw yesterday and that looked awesome![]()
Another amazing colour. Think you can only get Caddys from the factory in VG. Love Ravenna Blue too.
I saw a T6 yesterday at VW Leicester in Viper Green, unless it was wrapped that colour.
Possibly, I've asked at a couple of dealers about it and they've all said only caddy's - shame really.
Sorry mate, I didn't mean to sound like you had to justify your choice, it was simply an observation on your spec list that I hadn't seen before and didn't even know was offered on new vehicles anymore.
The UK still has it's fair share of salt in the winter, which seems to be getting worse as each year goes by, or at least it seems that way to me because of the amount of times I have to wash my van throughout the winter months to remove the salt, but i've yet to see any issues caused by the salt over here other than the mess we clean off our vehicles.
We find that the winter months destroys our diamond cut wheels pretty efficiently, but I guess that's part of the downsides of owning this style wheel.
As a Deep Pearl Black owner, I can say that your choice of colour will be a lot easier to maintain over there, and show up far less issues than Black would of done. There's loads of other colours I would of loved, including a Viper Green T6 that I saw yesterday and that looked awesome, but I'm not that brave and stick to what I know, but I too love your colour.
I also noted you spec'd an 80l fuel tank. The UK no longer has that option and we have a smaller tank, but the fact you can still spec it in other countries suggests that it might be a feasible modification we can do ourselves.
As you live in DK, why not selecting a 4Motion ? It would be safer in your country ??
Hopefully VW Anti corrosion warranty claims arnt as bad as experiences with Audi on coming up with any excuse to blame the customer trying to make a claim. I also remember 5 years ago buying a new Landrover Defender 110 and after the first year I had rust around the front screen, again took a while but they sorted it. I also under sealed it myself when I got it, but didn't keep it long enough to watch it fall apart.
I'm surprised you have any paint left on it with all that buffingI hate to say it, but VW's anti corrosion warranty might not be worth the paper it's written on. Paint Blisters
I've now joined this friendly little club and after popping into my dealers, I was also given the same gumph about 'external influences' which is gutting considering mines only 8 months old, well pampered and never abused.
Even scarier is I find a new blister each time I clean my van and don't know where it will stop, or even how to stop it.