I've got the battery on charge at the moment, I'll probably give it 12 hours charge, then refit and see how it goes.Mine was doing the same for a month or so.
Fitted a new battery and it now starts on the button.
I've got the battery on charge at the moment, I'll probably give it 12 hours charge, then refit and see how it goes.Mine was doing the same for a month or so.
Fitted a new battery and it now starts on the button.
These measurement channels are the only ones (I'm aware of) which are related to engine glow plugs:@mmi Some VAG owners have found glow plug 'on' time differences in VCDS which have been been a contributing factor on cold starting.
At +20 C° (outside=coolant temperature) mine starts without glow plug preheat.Isn't there a coolant temperature trigger point for when the glow plugs are meant to switch on.. set in VCDS.. adjustable along with duration 'on' time.
I have no way to recode the van so i need to buy another varta battery then ?The battery is coded to the van for optimum charging from the alternator.... replace like for like unless you can recode the vehicle...
and the
Who'd have thought replacing a battery would be so complicated. How would I alter the serial number ?I’m pretty sure that even if you replace the battery like for like, you still need to alter the serial number so that the alternator knows that it’s a new battery and not the old one.
How would I alter the serial number ?
NoOur van is euro 5, does that make any difference ?
I dont have any means to code it, what happens if it is not coded ?You’ll need to have some means of coding it to the van, VCDS, or OBDeleven etc.
I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. The battery management in T6 is an old-fashioned one, so it doesn't have any history data. It's true that even this one keeps track how much charge is going in and out - on a short term view. Good news is that it adapts the "ageing" parameters (internal resistance and it's derivatives) based on what it actually sees.I dont have any means to code it, what happens if it is not coded ?
So basically as long as its agm battery it will be ok ?I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. The battery management in T6 is an old-fashioned one, so it doesn't have any history data. It's true that even this one keeps track how much charge is going in and out - on a short term view. Good news is that it adapts the "ageing" parameters (internal resistance and it's derivatives) based on what it actually sees.
So called coding indeed immediately resets "ageing" parameters to ones of new battery. However, the self adapting gradually will correct itself to the same what they would have been by the coding. Certainly the adaptation won't happen overnight but a week is enough.
Yes, correct.So basically as long as its agm battery it will be ok ?