[Resolved] Faulty indicators.

What would cause the indicators to flash quickly on the dash? The lights outside dont flash at all. I dont think its a faulty bulb.

A little back story... I was powering something through the cigarette lighter, and it blew the fuse. Miscounted which fuse it was, and pulled out the wrong one. Tried sticking it back in and dropped the little blighter and now its slid under the floor somewhere.
The correct lighter fuse IS blown, and i will be getting a replacement. I will be getting a packet of various sizes.

I may have inadvertantly pulled a fuse that monitors the lights... but i dont know which slot i pulled it from, or which one it goes back into.
Its just a worker van... so theres theres a lot of empty fuse slots.
This is the fusebox under the lighter socket in the passenger side of the console

I dont have a user manual, and googling gives far too many results.

I will be searching through this forum next to find similar problems, but thought id ask the question.
You can check where a fuse should be by looking at the slots - one that should have a fuse in will have contacts both sides of the slot. A single contact means that the slot isn't used.
I think i found the answer. Saved this image off the forum.

The fuse SC49, 15A is for the 12V cigarette lighter... the one 2 slots down, SC47, the 25A one is marked as turn and brake lights... I didnt realise my brake lights weren't working either. Thats the one i dropped.

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