retrofiting trailer controler


T6.1 California beach TDI150 4MOTION
VIP Member
T6 Pro

I know T6.1 is different, but not on my problem (I hope)

I bought complete kit for retrofitting telectroc par of railer hitch assist on my T6.1

on the kit I got
-front cable
Capture d’écran 2024-06-04 à 15.52.21.png
Capture d’écran 2024-06-04 à 15.52.29.png
-rear cable
Capture d’écran 2024-06-04 à 15.52.38.png

as I'm 1D0, I don't have the harness from D-pillar to passenger seat.

do you confirm that I can't plug the last connector to this plug without an other cable?

Maybe I missed something?

Thanks a lot!
Looks like you’re missing the power cable. This feeds from 4 fuses in the accessory permanent supply under the passenger seat to the controller. I’ll see if I can dig up a photo for you
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I’ve just fitted a genuine westfalia one to my T6.1, loom from the socket feeds up under the floor drivers side, and then add the pins to the connector shown in the bottom photo, internal loom splits into two, one side goes up under the dash behind the clocks and the other side to the fusebox under the passenger seat.
I’ve just fitted a genuine westfalia one to my T6.1, loom from the socket feeds up under the floor drivers side, and then add the pins to the connector shown in the bottom photo, internal loom splits into two, one side goes up under the dash behind the clocks and the other side to the fusebox under the passenger seat.
Is it a 1D0 or 1D7?
Do you use harness from Dpillar to seat?
Or directly connect socket to « under seat connector »?
I’m not sure, I ran the cable from the hitch under the van and up the drivers side and up under the seat
Hi @DubHaus

I finally receive the correct cable.
I confirm what I was thinking:

For 1D7 we need a small cable to connect trailer hitch to Dpillar.
For 1D0 we need a long cable from trailer hitch to controler, as you made.

I’m about to Install everything, and I hope to achieve it without removing dashboard…

Does someone know the exact position of a BCM on T6.1 French version ?
Or at least, on T6.1 UK version (it will be the same or the opposite )
If you have photos of the bcm in place , it will be my best day

Thanks a lot
Its always above/to the side the pedals
I got it, thanks @Pauly !

I had to remove 2n0907427r (special equipement controler) and behind the fuse panel I see it..
But not the best place to connect wires
On my 1D0 version, I don’t have pins in H1 H2 H3 H5 in the fusebox.
I have add 1 pin connected to the wire going to the « controler side »
Do you know what’s on these pins on 1D7 ?
Must I wire to +12V ?


You’ll need the accessory fuse box under the left seat box, I’ll see if I can find a photo
I think the Part number is 8k0937501
Answer was on the schematic !!!
KL30a !!!
=> I will connect fuse to battery permanently.